Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Social, the Networking, the Emotion and the Dogs

Many see writers as brooding, emotional people.  People driven to drink in dark corners of smokey pubs.  Okay, I will admit to the brooding thing, but usually I'm lost in my own world.  Writing isn't easy and I've seen the most mild mannered writer snap the head off a person when a project was...well, it wasn't pretty.  As for the drinking in smokey pubs--puleeese!  Okay, so a group may get together for a margarita or two or five, but we always, always, ALWAYS have a DD-at least one licensed one per car. 

Now, we obviously live in a world where social networking is the norm and the idea of taking something said or typed back is impossible.  Once shared it is for everyone to read and discuss and disect.  Sharing emotional writing may help...or it may hurt.  Whether it be the writer or someone else and not the person intended.  We tend to forget that social networking is just that networking.  It is networks within networks, circles withing circles of people-oh, the social aspect of the whole thing.  Another thing that is forgotten as we type for good or ill-there are live, breathing people behind those keys as well.

But then there are those who don't care about the living regardless.  They only care about how they can get ahead in the world by looking down their nose at those they believe inferior to them.  But there is one person in the world they won't ever be able to make fell less than whole.  To remind myself of that I named my two dogs Elli (short for Eleanor) and Sassy (because every woman needs some sass).  And, yes, they are both bitches....

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt