Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Freedom of Writing

Writing is who and what I am.  I began writing down the stories of my worlds when I was thirteen and have yet to stop.  I am always working on a new story, a new character, a new line.  I am never without at least one book somewhere on my person or in my gear, but since my friends tend to love to read as much as I do they generally do not give me too much grief. 
Some things in life are harder to obtain than others.  The home I fantasized about for years just may never be within reach.  To have someone in my corner, a rock, someone who doesn't run at the first opportunity.  I would like to have a real vacation where I can honestly say that I wish it wouldn't end.  I dream of having an over-sized chair that holds me when I want comfort, protects me when I nap, supports me when I work and relaxes me when I read.  But above all I want freedom.
Writing is my freedom.  They are my dreams come to life on paper with the printed word.
Above all things I am a writer who is currently working on a career in the writing field.  My stories and novels will be published.  I only hope that they will be strong enough to reach out to the masses.  (May I be humble enough to realize that I am not the first, nor the last person to have a book published, and whatever success I have is because of my readers.)
I once believed I wanted to be a writer because I prefer to be alone, but I've learned to be published is to know the people around you.  To realize nothing can be done alone. 
Writing especially.

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